Loxley canvas – finally finished

Adding more detail and colour to the flesh…
…and finally finished. Some blue added to the shadows and details finished off.

I’ve really enjoyed painting on these canvases and have bought more for my next subjects. Watch this space, I shall be posting more paintings in the near future. In the meantime, these 3 paintings are now for sale – I shall be popping them on to my website where you can buy them or you can contact me directly

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  1. Nice artwork Jackie – I’ve (accidentally) taken on role of curating art and interesting stuff for 18 month popup gallery/ artspace that opened in May at the old Cov telegraph offices&printworks in Cov city centre. Not my normal thing but I know the guy who owns the site and hadca bit of spare time so offered to try and turn it into something groovy while it was sitting empty waiting for him to get cash /time to redevelop properly. So.. if you’ve any art or prep sketches (anything interesting basically) drop me a note and I’ll sort you some freebie gallery space as we’ve acres of it.

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