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Happy Christmas 2016
How fast 2016 has gone – it’s nearly Christmas so here is a link to the painting of my Christmas card for 2016. Music is from the album ‘Adore’ by Chris Tomlin. Enjoy!

Article in Paint – magazine for the SAA
Feeling very pleased with the arrival of the SAA’s Paint magazine today containing, amongst other things, an article I wrote detailing the painting of Charlie and Anna on their wedding day. Taking decent photos following the progress of a painting and, hardest of all, writing blurb to accompany it, makes you really think about what…

Lockdown challenge update 2
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Loxley Clear Linen Canvas
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Christmas 2015
Started my illustration for this year’s Christmas card prescrire le viagra. This is a monotone underpainting in acrylics, establishing the features and tones. The next layers will be oils. I’m recording this so, hopefully, will have a YouTube clip with carols for you soon after I’ve finished it.

Christmas is getting closer
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