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Another Face on Linen
Well I enjoyed painting the last face so much I’m having a go at another one. I’ll be posting my progress here so subscribe to my blog if you want to know when I post the next photo. As with the first I’m painting a portrait in oils on a clear primed linen canvas. This…

Christmas 2015
Started my illustration for this year’s Christmas card prescrire le viagra. This is a monotone underpainting in acrylics, establishing the features and tones. The next layers will be oils. I’m recording this so, hopefully, will have a YouTube clip with carols for you soon after I’ve finished it.

New Year, New Goals
Well it’s been a very productive start to the week, due mainly, I think, to the simple task of setting some goals for the first quarter of this year. As a result of this, I’ve scheduled various tasks in my diary to ensure I have time to paint. ‘Obvious’ you may say; ‘been doing that…

Happy Christmas 2019
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Q: How do you get men to tell you they like your legs?
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Lockdown challenge update 3
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