Lockdown challenge update 3

Halfway through lockdown (hopefully) so time I posted recent artwork. It’s been a tricky few days and I haven’t always managed to post on social media daily, but I have done the work.

For the daily pieces I’ve been using charcoal, it’s been the quickest and easiest medium to manage this week. Apologies for the 3 scary ones – Paul and I decided to do selfies – serious face, smiley face and face in a mask.

More layers have been added to the still life. I’m getting more selective on which areas I glaze though the back drop gets a coat of whatever colour I’m using – I’m hoping to end up with a rich dark colour. Glazes are as follows: Cadmium Yellow with white highlights added, Rose Madder, Winsor Lemon, Winsor Blue Green Shade, Zinc White, Burnt Sienna.

As well as gallery’s from myself and Paul, Julia and Julie have kindly continued to send me images.

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  1. These are really good. Great fun! Well done everyone … Jackie love the glazing, i am trying to learn this technique and i think practice yes but you do need a clarity of aim and a great sense of colour. Thanks for the breakdown steps … invaluable

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