Happy Christmas 2016
How fast 2016 has gone – it’s nearly Christmas so here is a link to the painting of my Christmas card for 2016. Music is from the album ‘Adore’ by Chris Tomlin.
Well I think I got quite carried away when I started on this painting. It occurred to me that I had intended to leave the hair unpainted – never mind, the application of a little alcohol with a toothbrush has taken it back. I may yet repaint the hair, but at least I can see…
Adding more detail and colour to the flesh… …and finally finished. Some blue added to the shadows and details finished off. I’ve really enjoyed painting on these canvases and have bought more for my next subjects. Watch this space, I shall be posting more paintings in the near future. In the meantime, these 3 paintings…
It’s been a while, but due to a number of factors including the construction of my daughters wedding dress, I haven’t put brush to canvas for a while. So… a quick fun project to get back into the swing, I’ve just completed a painting for 2 lovely ladies who do a lot of work with…
Started to add a base of flesh tones. The paint is going on incredibly smoothly – I’m loving these canvases. I’m using raw sienna and light read with white for my flesh tones – these are my go-to colours for portraits. Another layer of paint, the colours are starting to stand out on the linen….
Very excited to be giving these clear primed linen canvases a go from Loxley. I have 3 figure paintings planned and shall be painting in oils so I’ll work on the 3 concurrently – means I can switch paintings when I need to leave layers to dry. The natural linen works really well with flesh…
Answer: Paint leggy females at Patchings Arts Festival! What a great time I had at Patchings – 4 full days of painting and talking to people enthusiastic about art. It felt like a real treat and turned out to be very productive – not only did I produce 2 linen figure portraits in oils, but…
Beautiful x