Colour Theory – Monochromatic

Colour Theory – Monochromatic

During classes running through April we looked at colour theory. There’s so much to learn about colour – we could have endlessly experimented with different colour schemes. These lessons only scratched the surface but the results were very interesting. After taking a look at the colour wheel and trying a wide variety of colour mixes, we chose…

Portraits over 5 weeks

Portraits over 5 weeks

A bit late bringing this post to you – these portraits were painted in lessons during January and the beginning of February. We took our time over these paintings; once we’d sketched the image onto tracing paper using the grid method, we transferred it to our canvas. Some folks had prepared a plain canvas with…

Cezanne Still Life

Cezanne Still Life

After a week of portraits, some students fancied trying a still life subject so we chose Cezanne as a reference for his bold colours and brushwork. These were painted in a similar manner to the portraits – in oils, around an hour per painting. I think they’ve come up with some great paintings. These little…